

"My now 4 year old attends Shimmy Shakes. She started a year ago and absolutely loves it. It is age appropriate, relaxed and most importantly inclusive. When my daughter participated in the concert last year I had tears in my eyes watching children of all abilities enjoy dance. I am proud to be a part of this little community. I Cannot recommend Shimmy Shakes enough! Also whilst she dances under the supervision of amazing teaches, I get to drink coffee with the other mums in peace “

— Alicia Blayney


"My son attends classes with Shantelle and her wonderful crew of teachers. They are a truly awesome and special group. My little boy gets so excited when he realises it’s “shimmy shakes day”, and I love that they have an inclusive attitude that everyone should have access to dance and music.”



"My daughter has been dancing at Shimmy Shakes for the past 12 months & she loves it! Miss Shantelle & her teachers create a fun and relaxed dancing environment at affordable prices. Dancing has not only taught my daughter how to shimmy & shake, but she has also made new friends, improved her co-ordination and increased her self confidence. Would definitely recommend Shimmy Shakes to anyone who is looking for an amazing dance school for young children."